A whole generation after the original 64-bit version, Nintendo gave us Master Quest; a 'hard mode' version of the original, figuratively speaking. Since then, we've experienced the same game on the Virtual Console, and before that, on the promotional disc, “The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition,” for all the hardcore Zelda fanatics out there. Now, some may be wondering if playing that game a fifth time is worth $39.99. My answer to that question is “Yes!” Now here's why.
The Legend of Zelda as a series has always been about free-roam exploration, thought-invoking puzzles, an advancing inventory, side quests, mini-games, collecting, slashing and secrets. Shigeru Miyamoto said of the original Ocarina of Time, “The foundation lies in the puzzles that have appeared in The Legend of Zelda franchise since the first game. It's taking that traditional series material and skillfully transposing it to 3D that really makes the game The Legend of Zelda.” And having played through the N64 version multiple times, I feel that those words couldn't possibly be more sound. It is because of how all of these aspects are brought together and executed so masterfully that the series has grown to be cherished among gamers, young and old, and to become the giant staple in video gaming that it is today. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, though being a remake, is certainly no exception.

Because this game is a remake, some may feel as though the experience might be like watching a familiar movie, just in 3D. The 3D is no gimmick in this case! The game must be played in 3D in order for the player to receive the full experience that it offers. If you are a fan of the series and have played through the original, memorable scenes will become much, much more memorable when viewed this time around. The game also features highly detailed textures as well as a fairly large amount of new detail in the geometry of nearly every model, and much of what were once sprites are now models as well. But despite all of the graphical assets being completely rebuilt, your memory will comfortably recall every tree, person and camera angle in the way that these fundamental pieces are carefully replaced. IGN put it this way, “You'll still recognize everything and everyone, but you'll see them as they were originally meant to be.” And I couldn't have said it better myself. Even when played with the 3D turned off, Hyrule is still remarkably beautiful. But as a rule, when a cut scene triggers, turn it on!
Graphical improvements are especially obvious throughout the dungeons. The theme of each dungeon has been drastically brought forward. For example, the inside of Lord Jabu-Jabu's belly very much looks and feels like an organic environment, far more so than it ever did on the Nintendo 64. Even when strolling around other areas such as Zora's Domain, you will quickly notice tiny stalagmites and 'tites scattered around just to add to the aesthetic feeling of being in a cavern that has contained water for some ages. Not to mention a final battle that left me absolutely speechless. Small details such as this go a very long way. Unfortunately, camera clipping is still very much present throughout.

The gyroscopic features allow the player to tilt the 3DS around when in first-person view or aiming manually. I cannot even begin to describe how well this improves accuracy with the bow and slingshot. All I can say is that I have never once missed a perfect score at the shooting gallery because of this. In fact, the gyroscopic aiming allowed me to become so dangerous with the bow that I can pick off a small flock of diving keese in less than a second without L targeting at all. Needless to say that poes, disappearing when L targeted, are now hardly a challenge. With the 3DS's new circle pad, you can swiftly aim in the general area while simultaneously tilting the system to perfect the shot in the blink of an eye. I have NEVER experienced first-person aiming this perfect in my life!
There is however, one issue with aiming in first-person view. When the 3D setting is turned on, angling the system anywhere other than straight in front of your face quickly blurs your vision and causes you to start seeing double, making aiming extremely difficult. This is one example where control concept and graphical concept contradict one another. But turn the 3D off when aiming, and your deadly accuracy becomes solid gold! There is also something very grand about looking around a room by literally looking around the room with the system. And that's just something else that any previous version of the game is not going to give you.

The game also contains crisp and clear audio, with one specific musical track being orchestrated (I won't spoil which one.) The music and FX certainly play an enormous role in the general experience of the game. So much so that would I recommend playing through it using a pair of studio-grade headphones, since the audio has such a hand in bringing the whole atmosphere to life throughout each scene.
Overall, this 3D revision of a game that the world has treasured for roughly thirteen years conveys the story again in a quality that was unforeseen. While the game does have its minor imperfections, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D is definitely a masterpiece worth playing. Just as the original version on the N64 introduced the third dimension to the world renown Zelda franchise, Here it is again, sharper and finer. And this time, introducing the new era of that third dimension!

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